The summer sun is at its peak right now and ll around Baltimore school administrators are making plans for students to return. There’s plenty of repairs and upgrades that need to be made while the kids are away. One addition every universities, community colleges, and primary school should consider is safety-enhancing window film. It can go a long way towards protecting staff members as well as their university or college campuses from various harms.

Bullet And Bomb Resistance For Schools Window Film

Bulletproof glass is just a phrase.–there is not such things as bullet proof glass but there is bullet resistant glass. Glass treated with window film and applied using C-Bond adhesive is about as close as you can get. Even after multiple gun shots, the glass will stay adhered to the glass and the glass panel attached to the frame.  This means an intruder needs to work longer to penetrate glass winodws and doors–givng more time for authorities to arrive and/or people to flee.

Window Film For Protection From Accidents or Natural Disaster In Schools

Window film is something that protects students and staff from accidents at Baltimore schools such as slips and falls. This is because windows treated with C-bond adhesive and durable window film are essentially tempered glass.  The glass will shatter into small pieces and stay attached to the film–making the shards less dangerous.  Also, this will keep them from flying around should a window get struck by debris during a storm. 

Window Film For UV Protection in Schools

One of the most common and often overlooked threats that school students face each day is UV rays. While not an immediate danger, over time these harmful beams can be dangerous to both thier eyes and skin causing eye cancers/disease. Window film blocks 99.9% of UV rays.  This keeps their eyes and skin protected and reduces glare from sunlight as well.

For more information on how to keep your Baltimore school more safe and secure, contact us at Baltimore Window Film today!