So, you’re looking for a way to cut down on your home energy costs? Window films are a well-known, effective solution for improving the energy efficiency of single pane windows. Today, they’re utilized by homeowners, architects, and building professionals all across the world.
When looking into window film for the first time, one common concern that Baltimore homeowners have is whether or not the product will dark their home windows. If this is a concern that you share, you’ll be happy to know that the type of window film used for your home is quite different than the dark tint you see on car windshields. Below, we’ve discussed the matter in detail.
Will Window Film Make My Home Dark Inside?
Contrary to popular belief, many of the window films used today aren’t very dark at all. In fact, some of them have zero tint whatsoever and are completely clear in appearance. This is because manufacturers today no longer rely on dark dyes to block out the sun. Instead, they use high quality heat-reflecting materials like precious metals and ceramic to cast off the sun’s powerful rays. Some films have a slight tint to them, but this is truly just for stylistic reasons.
So to answer the question, no. Window film will not make your Baltimore home dark inside, nor will it block out your views of the outdoors. Advances like spectrally selective technology have enabled window film to reject heat without blocking light.
Clear Energy Efficient Window Film
If you’re really concerned about having enough light in your home and want to avoid tinted options altogether you could simply go the route of having a clear energy efficient window film installed for your Baltimore home. There are many brands that offer this option including Drywired (Liquid Nanotint), 3M, LLumar, and Huper Optik.
For more details, check out this brochure from 3M: 3m-clear-sun-control-window-film-baltimore
Explore Options for Your Home
Call Baltimore Window Film today to get started with the process!
About The Author: Bwfadmin
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